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Annual Report 2011 /
Profiles of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
Honorary Chairman is not member of the Board and does not have any power or right to vote on any matters considered
by the Board.
Honorary Chairman
LI Ping
age 58, is the Chairman of our Board of Directors and
an Executive Director of our Company in charge of our
overall management. Mr. Li is also a Vice President of
China Telecommunications Corporation and Executive
Vice President of China Telecom Corporation Limited.
Prior to joining China Telecommunications Corporation
in August 2000, Mr. Li served as the Chairman and
Chief Execut i ve Of f i cer of China Telecom (Hong
Kong) Internat i ona l L imi ted, Vi ce Cha i rman and
Chief Operating Officer of China Mobile Limited and
Deputy Director General of the Directorate General of
Telecommunications (the “DGT”) of the former Ministry
of Posts and Telecommunications (the “MPT”) of the
PRC. Mr. Li graduated from the Beijing Institute of Posts
and Telecommunications in 1976 with a major in Radio
Telecommunications. He also received an MBA degree
from the State University of New York at Buffalo, U.S.A.
in 1989. Mr. Li has extensive administrative experience
in the management of l isted companies and has 36
years of operational and managerial experience in the
telecommunications industry in China.
WANG Xiaochu
age 54, is the Honorary Chairman
of our Company. Mr.
Wang is also the Chairman of China Telecommunications
Corporation, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
China Telecom Corporation Limited. Until 8 April 2008,
Mr. Wang was the Chairman and Non-Executive Director
of the Company.
Executive Directors