Income Statement
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss
    For the six months ended 30 June
Notes 2024
Revenues 5 74,411,953 73,169,553
Cost of revenues 6 (66,296,374) (65,335,907)
Gross Profit   8,115,579 7,833,646
Other income 7 879,847 935,824
Selling, general and administrative expenses   (6,541,835) (6,353,365)
Other expenses   (56,832) (76,420)
Finance costs 8 (59,026) (55,394)
Share of profits of associates and joint ventures   67,372 54,320
Profit before tax 9 2,405,105 2,338,611
Income tax 10 (207,155) (226,337)
Profit for the period   2,197,950 2,112,274
Attributable to:  
  Equity shareholders of the Company   2,124,984 2,034,456
  Non-controlling interests   72,966 77,818
  2,197,950 2,112,274
Basic/diluted earnings per share (RMB) 11 0.307 0.294
The notes on pages 18 to 38 form part of the condensed consolidated interim financial information.
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