Key Financial Data
Profit attributable to equity shareholders
Total assets
Basic earnings per share
Six months ended 30 June / As at 30 June
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Change
Revenues (RMB million) 53,834 64,099 69,254 73,170 74,412 1.7%
Profit attributable to equity shareholders (RMB million) 1,588 1,811 1,895 2,034 2,125 4.4%
Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.229 0.262 0.274 0.294 0.307 4.4%
Total assets (RMB million) 88,224 99,430 107,005 119,040 128,202 7.7%
Free cash flow1 (RMB million) -1,596 -1,515 -2,607 -1,122 -2,165 -

1 Free cash flow = Profit for the year + Depreciation and amortization – Changes in working capital – Capital expenditure

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